Powder Paradise at the Burning Mountain
Experiencing adventure and being inspired by contrasts - that is the DNA of FIRE+ICE, which Sven Kueenle and Bene Mayr also explored on their trip to Kamchatka. On this peninsula in the far east of Russia, the freeskiers found themselves between towering clouds of smoke rising from the snow-covered rock. It hissed, smouldered and stank like the gateway to hell, but only a few metres away, freerider heaven opened its pearly gates. Sven and Bene enjoyed powder snow on a volcano. Its mighty slopes combined the pure beauty of winter with the untamed elemental forces of the earth. And if that wasn’t enough - at the end of the exhilarating descent, they headed straight down to the Pacific Ocean where the waves meet pitch-black lava sand on the beaches. Snow and volcano, water and lava, fire and ice: opposites attract!